more sticky goodness

Monday, June 20, 2011

Just a little something I prepared earlier...

An unusual burst of midday energy made me do this:

This wee project required paint, painter's tape, a brush, and some double-sided tape. And of course some chalk. I purchased the board in one of those dollar stores that smell funny. The original frame was a boring pine colour, hence the dire need to re-paint it white. The rest? Piece of cake. Easy peasy. Yes, you can call me Martha....

The little quote was not a midday stroke of genius. I stole it from some wall decal website. Sue me. (Actually, please don't. Consider it flattery.) The minute I laid eyes on those words, I knew it had to take pride of place in Sticky Baby's room. It is him down to a T!

You likey?

As he grows up, I intend to change the 'mumma message'. When he is 12, I might write something along the lines of, "Yo tween..youre attitude is totally not toasting my bagel. Change it or your father's foot is going to land dangerously close to your butt". Ahhh, so many uses!

Anyhow, Sticky Baby's room is slowly coming together. Another little project or two and it should be ready for the big reveal...

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