more sticky goodness

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In love with....

And the love-fest continues, peeps.

Today, I pay homage to these smile-inducing thingy-majiggies:

Carrera Sunglasses. I want a pair so bad. 

Old, vintage suitcases, stacked, for decorative purposes. Kitch. Love.
(good storage solution too!)

Vietnamese Spring Rolls. 
So. darn. more-ish
These + glass(es) of white wine = best Friday night meal EVER

Chalk boards. In frames. 
I want one in every room of the house.

To be continued....


  1. Ahhhhh these things make me smile too. Let's do all 3 in sydney: sunnies purchase, storage solution purchase and vietnamese spring rolls god damn it!!

  2. Ooo I love the chalkboard!! I want 1 too! And a soy latte right now please. Where are you working? Xxx
