more sticky goodness

Thursday, May 19, 2011

In love with....

The last of my 3-part luuurrve series.

The following items are making me swoon in a big way this week...

 Cross-body leather satchels.
I have one, and people are asking me if it’s in fact my conjoined twin.
’Nuff said.

Shabby chic white dining tables with timber tops.
Papadada has promised me a DIY replica.

Eye chart art.
Custom-made is the go.
Imagine the possibilities....

Painted furniture.
I have about 3 thrift store finds littering our back deck.
Can’t wait to smack them with paint brushes. Yipee!

Poffertjes. Duch mini pancakes.
They’ve been staring me down at the local cafe.
It must be done. And SOON!

Well my pretties, I hope you enjoyed the things I am loving on at the moment. It sure helped to lift my spirits!

1 comment:

  1. Me likey but what me likey would like even more would be a response about sydney accomm bahahahah x
