Thursday, June 24, 2010

Everything AND the kitchen sink

Please tell me your kitchen sink looks like this too?

This is the ‘drying out’ area. We let God do the drying in this household. Tea towels are smelly and generally end up in Sticky Baby’s throat..

Here is a run-down of the random collection of items found on our sink most evenings:

A  Singing, moving, pedalling Hippo. Meant to be a bath toy. 
B  Bicycle bell. Don’t ask.
C  2 little rattles. One orange fishy, one green crab.
D  Food net dispenser. Had a chunk of banana in it this morning. Clean now.
E  Little car rolling toy with very annoying, repetitive song...
F  Bottle tree. Love that thing!
G  Sippy cup lid. That never stays on. And wets my floors each and every day.

This is normal, right? Right?!?!


Michaela said...

This is what my purse looks like, minus the drying rack.

Brooke Hall said...

yes yes yes!! i get so annoyed with bottles, lids, bowls, toys, drying rack, bathtub, etc...i clean and wash, clean and wash!!!! funny how your house becomes a teeny time home after baby!

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